Coalition Cover Letter to Withdraw the draft SGEIS Before You Leave Office ... by Walter Hang

I write to provide a coalition letter that requests you to withdraw your Department of Environmental Conservation's (DEC) draft Marcellus Shale Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (draft SGEIS) before you leave office.

Honorable David A. Paterson
Governor, State of New York
The Capitol
Albany, NY 12224

Dear Governor Paterson:

I write to provide a coalition letter that requests you to withdraw your Department of Environmental Conservation's (DEC) draft Marcellus Shale Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (draft SGEIS) before you leave office.
You have stated that sufficient concerns have been raised about DEC's draft proposal to prevent a Final SGEIS from being adopted during your administration. You are now requested to send that proposal "back to the drawing board" until it can be adequately revised to safeguard New York's environment and public health.
The coalition letter documents that the draft SGEIS has major shortcomings which have received withering criticism, notably from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. It also documents that DEC has huge funding problems which prevent the agency from regulating horizontal hydrofracking activities in the Marcellus Shale region where more than eight million New Yorkers obtain their drinking water.
The coalition letter has more than 2,000 signatories, including elected and appointed public officials, farmers, business owners, wineries, environmental organizations, good government groups, religious leaders, students and citizens.
Those signatories include a total of 84 official group endorsements. Signatories are associated with more than 300 organizations.

I trust you will find the coalition letter self-explanatory. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions I might be able to answer or if you would like to meet to discuss the request.

Finally, you stated on 11/24/10 during a WAMC interview that you are considering "working in the field of energy" after leaving office. With all respect, please eliminate concerns about potential conflicts of interest by withdrawing the draft SGEIS.
Thank you for your consideration and public service.

Very truly yours,
Walter Hang

cc: Honorable Governor-Elect Andrew M. Cuomo
Honorable Sheldon Silver
Honorable Brian M. Kolb
Honorable Jonn L. Sampson
Honorable Dean G. Skelos
Honorable Peter M. Iwanowicz
Honorable Judith Enck
Honorable Carter H. Strickland, Jr.

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