Ban Fracking Statewide Call In Day To Governor Cuomo

I would like to formally invite you to this event. Call Governor Cuomo at 1-866-584-6799.
It only takes a few minutes of your time and really lets be honest, can we honestly say there will be no impacts from fracking whether it be environmental or health. No! So please do what you can to attend, all you need is your phone and computer and also please use the share link to share this with your family and friends. Thank you much.

In mid-June, a New York Times article ( came out indicating a plan from the NYS DEC and Governor Cuomo to create sacrifice zones for fracking in the Southern Tier. Legislative session for the senate and assembly closed on June 21st without a ban bill passing, and the ball is now in the Governor's court. We need an overwhelming response to the outrageous plan and blatant environmental injustice of allowing drilling in the Southern Tier. The bottom line is that it is not okay to turn any part of New York and any New Yorkers into sacrificial fracking guinea pigs!

Take two actions and share this far and wide...
1. Call Governor Cuomo at 1-866-584-6799. When you're connected to his office, tell them your name and where you’re from, and then simply tell them that Governor Cuomo must not create sacrifice zones and that he must protect all New Yorkers by banning fracking. Or use this script: "It is not okay to sacrifice any part of New York to fracking. Fracking would create the greatest health and environmental disaster in NY's history-- if you break it, you own it. Ban fracking now!" After you’ve made your call, encourage friends and family to make calls too!

2. Post that message on Governor Cuomo's Facebook page ( Tweet this message at Governor Cuomo - #Fracking would create the greatest health and environmental disaster in NY's history, and @NYGovCuomo ban fracking now.

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